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O.K. lesson two: Reading (The value of education)
Maryam reads out: Education is not an end but a means to an end. Stop Maryam. O.K. What is the end in your says something....... Other students one by one answer this question. So surprising!!!For all the students, except those who didn't have an end or at least haven't thought of it yet!!, being a UNIVERSITY student and getting a good job in future was an end. Being at the service of community was the end for some students. Being a university professor at M.I.T was a great dream of one student. It's wonderful. I do believe we all should follow our dreams and we shouldn't let obstacles hinder us since" great men are great dreamers" ;However, dreams are means to an END not an end by themselves. What is the purpose of education and the end for our life? I do recommentd you to read " Missing piece meets the big O" by Silverstein. I reckon our missing pieces are not university or M.S ,or PhD, or an important, knowledgable, famous person in society. It is something within us which can be nurtured by education but not necessarily found.
Any way, an attractive discussion!
What do you think?


William said...

But remember Solzenetsyn's line: "Eduction doesn't make you smarter!"

Anonymous said...

We trying hard until go to the best university but we do not know that arrived to this end or no but it is not only my end

Anonymous said...

yor comment is very good but it had a big mistake
do u know what is it? i read not maryam (mahdokht)

its very good that u use of news school it couse that student encourage to study your web

Anonymous said...

we talk about our ends . At finally we umdrestand that they have big ends they are the most successful but I think big ends always can not successful

Anonymous said...

Educating only for be educated isn't true. most people(like students in our school!!!!!!) have higher and more important goals for education. We make lots of dreams for future.we hope to become useful and be able to help ourselves and others. I don't mean that just education is the way for reach to ends and ideal life. There are so different ways we can choose but education is easier and most importane way.

Anonymous said...

i agree that good dreamers are succsfull but only being a good dreamer and haveing big dreams is not enough we have to try every much to be succesful and it is not imprtant that we have a big dream and try for it in a way that we can.