Virtual communities are as important as their real-world counterparts, many members of online communities believe.A survey found 43% of online networkers from the US felt "as strongly" about their web community as they did about their real-world friends. It also found 40% of net-users were using the web to stay in contact with people, and 37.7% believed the internet was enabling them to communicate more with friends and family.
Since its beginning, the web has often been used as a tool to meet new people, but in recent years the interaction between web-users has grown dramatically, spawning a new generation of networking sites.
Dan Greenpeace: "I use Myspace primarily for networking,"It's a much more personal and interactive way of communicating with people out there who are actually interested in what you're doing."
Mr Cole added: "The internet has become an essential source of entertainment, information and communication... However, in 2006, we are beginning to measure real growth and discover new directions for the internet as a comprehensive tool that Americans are using to touch the world."
دیگر نیازی به ارتباط با دیگران نیست. اینترنت دوستان مجازی برای ما انتخاب می کند. با آنها گفتگو می کنیم. با اقوام و بستگان خود چت می کنیم و از مشکلاتمان برایشان حرف می زنیم و درددل می کنیم. نیازی به دید و بازدید نیست. اصلا این ارتباطات چه فایده ای دارند؟ شما حتی اگر وقت ندارید می توانیدبا پدر و مادر خود هم ارتباط اینترنتی داشته باشید و مشکلاتشان را اینترنتی حل کنید. دیگر نیازی به حضور استاد و دانشجو در کلاس نیست و اصلا درک حضور استاد و نگاه و کلام او چه معنایی دارد. همه چیز مجازی و اینترنتی می شود. وای بشرامروزی فقط همین را کم داشت. آفرین بر تکنولوژی. زنده باد تفکر نو امروزی. آیاآرامش و صفا و دوستی و لذت دید و بازدید در گذشته می توانستند امروز را تصور کنند؟ هرگز!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
Philosopher Saying communities with other effect in the life people . they speak to themselves and all the relatives speak joke and laughing and enjoy the speaking and drinking and eating .
So not virtual pal's soar in importance .
Internet is very useful.It can help us very much.It even can make us a class such as a school classes.But I want to see my friends faces.I want to tuch thier
hands.And I want to look at thier eyes when I speak to them.I think I will never stand these friendships and I like alive friends more.
i agree that it is some thrue and some false,because seeing every one such as our relatives have a special pleasure that chat by internet don't have it. but because of having few time to seeing every one ,chat can help us in this connection.
nowadays internet take part in our life in fact it influenced all our life. of cours it influence our friendships.I like friends like this. But I can not rely on them.
a.s.g said: one of the greatest publish distance is the net .
but some of the people dont know how to use totaly of net.
see that day .:D
god willing .
hi my teacher:
internet is a interesting and good resort for adding up some subject in different instance but if we want use it as meeting is very bad and God is sad from this matter.
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