Once there was a giving tree who loved a little boy.
And everyday the boy would come to play
Swinging from the branches, sleeping in the shade
Laughing all the summer’s hours away.
And so they love,
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
But soon the boy grew older and one day he came and said,
"Can you give me some money, tree, to buy something I’ve found?"
"I have no money," said the tree, "Just apples, twigs and leaves."
"But you can take my apples, boy, and sell them in the town."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
But soon again the boy came back and he said to the tree,
"I’m now a man and I must have a house that’s all my home."
"I can’t give you a house" he said, "The forest is my house."
"But you may cut my branches off and build yourself a home"
And so he did.
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
And time went by and the boy came back with sadness in his eyes.
"My life has turned so cold," he says, "and I need sunny days."
"I’ve nothing but my trunk," he says, "But you can cut it down
And build yourself a boat and sail away."
And so he did and
Oh, the tree was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
And after years the boy came back, both of them were old.
"I really cannot help you if you ask for another gift."
"I’m nothing but an old stump now. I’m sorry but I’ve nothing more to give"
"I do not need very much now, just a quiet place to rest,"
The boy, he whispered, with a weary smile.
"Well", said the tree, "An old stump is still good for that."
"Come, boy", he said, "Sit down, sit down and rest a while."
And so he did and
Oh, the trees was happy.
Oh, the tree was glad.
Shel Silverstein
Hi my dear teacher.
I’m well & very happy. what about you ?
I hope you are well, too.
About this I can say , I don`t story like this story.
I learn many things from This story that we can to be giving person when we have any things.
A giving person help people ,if g-p can not help, g-p try to help
People from other way.
Fatemeh Taghizadeh
i think the tree's work was'nt good.because every body live for his/herself and we should'nt die for ather persion's noimportent works and all mothers are like one tree thet todie for children's importent works.
I think this boy giving everything from the tree because in principle the people think everything in this world are for them and they can do every work that their want. Really they are very proud.
Hi,my teacher
I think we should learn giving from tree.
In my opinion all people like giving person, they like that others help them. But themselves are never giving person.
In my opinion Martyrs were the best of all people . Because they gave their life for to save others. Something, that perhaps we never be ready to do it.
What's your idea, Mrs Nikui?
Quite right dear Zeinab,
Martyrs were great giving humans who sacrificed their life for the sake of God and people's safety. God bless all unforgettable heroes.
One human loves help to other. Tree because loves the boy dedicates her self.
hi my dear teacher
very thanks. It 's true,Martyrs are always alive.
human like to help other person.
But I don't like some body help me .
I like other gidance me.I like work and I buy somethings to like.
This story want to said we: people who was giving other people happy with he or she and it very good
That tree gave his life for god's sake
I think this is a hard work for this time and also I think few men of this time are giving like this tree.
....and I forget say you are a giving person you are very very kind.
Ithink that it is not true to be giving such as this.
For people? Do they love you too?
Idon not Know exacly .Ihave too think more.
A strong strip can caRY OUR WEEK BODY.
The tree of this story give all his life to the boy.surely this giving tree loves him and helping the boy make him very happy.but when I compare this tree with myself and the other people I know;I find nobody to be giving like that.(except mothers and fathers)I don’t say it is impossible but I know I can t do like that.
The tree of this story give all his life to the boy.surely this giving tree loves him and helping the boy make him very happy.but when I compare this tree with myself and the other people I know;I find nobody to be giving like that.(except mothers and fathers)I don’t say it is impossible but I know I can t do like that.
All the people know that helping to eachother is a very acceptable work and Islam charge to helping poor people if we can. But there are some people that that have a very kind heart and always like tohelp peopleand other people when see they are a liberal person want to use them very much .At first profitable people show themselves very poor and when other help them them they go and never come back except they want help too .I think this is not true and we should help the people that they are really needy
If we have the best friend we do not have any problems .Our friends must love us and think to us and we must love and think to our friend .the our friend give the best thing having. The our friend do not want we be angry and until every thing having give to us . so we must every thing giving us return kind of thing to our friend and we must thank to our friend.
we result from this story we can geoners and we can do good works we can helpperson until they have agood life
It is a story of natural and true love and generosity: the tree gives all it can to the boy because it loves him, and its feelings are reciprocated by the boy when he returns to the tree for a rest. In this way, the relationship between the tree and the boy as he grows up could be seeing as similar to that between a mother and her child. the tree puts the boy's needs because it wants him to be happy. Indeed, the only time the tree ever seems to be sad is when it feels that it has nothing left to give the boy and the boy might never return.
We are all needy, and we become older by using others and getting used up. Tears fall in our lives are like leaves from a tree. Our finitude is not something to be feel sorrow or despised however it is what makes giving possible.
Blessing is recommended in our religion. it also says that
If you bless to other God will bless you better and more .some people who are very mean and steangy or jealous miserly can t taste the sweetness of blessing.sometimes it seems that.when we bless we lose it and we don t have it for ourselves.but after a little time we will see good effects of it.I think that some works like blessing generous disposition concession nourishing can rise our spirit.
Blessing is recommended in our religion. it also says that
If you bless to other God will bless you better and more .some people who are very mean and steangy or jealous miserly can t taste the sweetness of blessing.sometimes it seems that.when we bless we lose it and we don t have it for ourselves.but after a little time we will see good effects of it.I think that some works like blessing generous disposition concession nourishing can rise our spirit.
Blessing is recommended in our religion. it also says that
If you bless to other God will bless you better and more .some people who are very mean and steangy or jealous miserly can t taste the sweetness of blessing.sometimes it seems that.when we bless we lose it and we don t have it for ourselves.but after a little time we will see good effects of it.I think that some works like blessing generous disposition concession nourishing can rise our spirit.
Blessing is recommended in our religion. it also says that
If you bless to other God will bless you better and more .some people who are very mean and steangy or jealous miserly can t taste the sweetness of blessing.sometimes it seems that.when we bless we lose it and we don t have it for ourselves.but after a little time we will see good effects of it.I think that some works like blessing generous disposition concession nourishing can rise our spirit.
to we need people with this kind of thought
educate other peope with their behaviors.also they are so scarce in our society that we cant find them easily.so we must try to be like this boy. We know that what we do return to us.so be carefull about what you do.and be sure thet the others do it with you soon or late.also the berries are not very valuable to imagine lady unreiable.
XQZ me for my commentst
some of them are about other stories.
T his kind of communication cant be a good successor for meeting and visiting each other .I think that chatting and other web tools can be useful and profitable only when we are far from our family or friends or we cant visit them and every time on which we are alterantive.Ofcourse that our social spirit prevents these tools to get a good result.Technology is not always suitable for our spirits and lives.
I think we must help eachother ,but we mustn't go beyond due bounds. A proverb says : "die for one who cries for you. "
True helping always have some profit for us. It can be spiritual or material.
Tahoora:Yes unfortunately it is true. And the reason is clear. For example “communicate with people on the computer doesn’t depend on emotional feeling. But if you want to speak to your neighbours you must have some feeling. And if not you may have some problems. Many of our society problems is because of this.
It is very good to have a friend like this. That tree didn't want any thing but the happiness of that boy. And at last he gifted him his body and allmost every thing.
Love is giving .it is not important that what
feelings the boy had about the tree.the
important thing is that the tree loved the boy
and sacrifised itself for the boy.this is the
true love.if everyone believes love in such a
way ,so loves become mutual.
if one boys and one girls have one of this tree sorrow. then any one dont have.
Iwish have this tree......
heloo Im sorry .
thanks very much.
bye my good teacher.
The life is passing and will arrive to the end , in this way some body help us and lift us up generously and we don’t realize and feel our friends’ emotional feeling , the cause of our behavior is the problems that we have in our life and drown ourselves in them although we should pay attention to the base of life that is God, love, forgiveness ,our friendship and etc.
Hello mrs Nikui
A.S.G said : all of people should follow this way and we think that work is very beautiful and we hope the people in Iran learn more about that
hello dear Nikui
all right.
I was sayed "our works are similar to a mirror and they will return to us.".
when the tree give all of his parts to the boy why we should not do it for our friends although we are less than a usual tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you
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