Grammar Practice Room

So Challenging! ایجاد انگیزه! چه کار دشواری

Some students are to be pushed to do something or work on an assignment. This weblog hopes to creat a learning environment for all my students and since sometimes a bit force is required to move some students forward, I asked them to write comments on news and stories in as their homework. Some have had great contributions but some are still to be forced to learn!!!!!(Can we call this "learning"?!!Maybe if there is S-R-R principle).


Anonymous said...

its a intresting opinen and i love it and i hope you alwayes have this intresting mind .
love u

Anonymous said...

We think that it is nearly a new thing.In Iran with this internet & this low speed it is a little hard.But anyway it is better than sitting in class all day long and study books.