Ramadan a “month of blessing” marked by prayer, fasting, and charity is passing its final days and Eid al-Fitr, which in 2006 occurs on Oct. 24,“Festival of Breaking the Fast,” is coming. Although charity and good deeds are always important in Islam, they have special significance at the end of Ramadan and we are obligated to share our blessings by feeding the poor.Although I had a hard time teaching while fasting but it surely has had great impacts on my body and mind.
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One of the best months is ramadan.muslims across the world fast during this month.all of muslims pray and do good deeps and go to mosques.they dont eat anything and it is a special celebration for them and the EID ALFITR is after it.quran remarked fasting is perescribed for you such as it was perescribed for those who were before you maybe you guard.
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