Prayer Is
Prayer brings peace to the restless,
It changes things you know.
The more you pray, the more your faith,
Will grow and grow and grow.
Prayer is sweet communion,
With a friend who really cares.
No matter what the problem is,
No matter when or where.
Prayer is like food to the hungry,
It fills an empty soul.
And then when the prayers are answered,
Your faith in God will grow.
Prayer is the key to Heaven,
Where the angels sing each day.
And when the door is open,
God is listening while we pray.
praying is a way for havin a very close relationship with GOD and because of the pease and kindnes of GOD we can earn every things that one usefull for our sprit.
prayers can our soul.evry darknees can go with a real prayer from the deep of your heart.prayers help us to continiue the way.when we feel so tired of moving,it is like a light that gives us hope.prayers make us strong and when GOD answers our prayers,we feel stronger than before.it's like a hand that comes from heaven to lift us up.
every thing is useful when ypu believe in them .also for praying if you don't believe in praying you won't see any result.more you believe in God more you will see his signs of guidance in your life.God is so generous it depends on us that what we want from him.so we should ask great things and if believe in our end and of course in our God surely he will answer us!
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