What a nice and precious occasion! The Public Invitation for Participating in Giving Aid to the Needy and the Relief Seekers under the Protection Of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (IKRF)
My previous post,Lunch With God, is related to Thursday occasion,Esfand 17,The Day of Kindness and Benevolence, in which we offer our cash and non-cash aides of the humanitarian to the needy. Delivering services to the deprived ones is considered as one of the sweetest prayers in our religion and it has been the custom of the Holy Prophet (PBOH) and the Innocent Imams.
So, about this matter God the Almighty states in the Holy Quran:
“Those who hold it dear, give sustenance to the poor, the orphan and the captive saying ‘We feed you for Allah’s sake only; We seek of you neither recompense nor thanks.” سوره مبارکه انسان آيه 8و9 :
«و به دوستی خدا به فقير و اسير و طفل يتيم طعام مي دهند و گويند ما فقط براي رضاي خدا به شما طعام مي دهيم و از شما هيچ پاداش و سپاسي نمي طلبيم.»
Let's have a great lunch with God.Help yourselves to God's blessings everywhere and everyday.
i think the day of kindness and benevolence is very important to help ourselves and people.
at the first year i give a gift to a child that was a color box.
I think that this is so good to understand poor people and give something to them .
hi my dear teacher
asg said:the day of kindness.
we think help to the poor men is a good work and it cuse that god being happy of us.
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