“Holy man” – said a novice to the Father Abbot - My heart is full of love for the world and my soul is free of temptations from the Devil. What is my next step?
The abbot asked the disciple to accompany him on a visit to a sick person who needed extreme action. After comforting the family, the abbot noticed that in one of the corners of the house there was a trunk.
“What is inside it?” he asked.
“Clothes that my uncle never used”, said the sick man’s nephew.” He bought everything, always thinking that the right occasion would arise to wear them, but they ended up rotting inside it”.
“Don’t forget that trunk”, said the Father Abbot to his disciple, when they left. “If you have spiritual treasures in your heart, put them into practice now. Or they will rot away.”
اگر همه انسانها گنجهای معنوی درون خویش را با دیگران تقسیم کنند چه دنیایی خواهیم داشت
we should what that we earn ,if we don't use them , in fact we miss all of them ,and it is a kind of missing the time,we have very few opportunity in our life and missing the time in ilfe for us is very foolishly and unwaisely.
we must use our spiritual treasurs in a true way.we must share them with the others unless we will rot and we can't grow.it's not enough that our heart is ful of LOVE and happiness,they should be appeared in our acts and behaviours.
ببخشید لغت آخرم اشتباه شد منظورم غیر عاقلانه بود فکر کنم میشه
I think we must use of intellectual in live at the time. If we don’t use of intellectual they annihilated and there weren’t effect of their. If we want to perception intellectual we must do them.
the best way to thank god for his blessings to us is to use them in the way he likes. whatever god has given to us is infact lended to us and soon we will be responsible about them and the way we have used them in.
if you don't use your beliefs they will rot away.
they will be deleted from your heart and you
will be a new person. if you try to teach your
ideas to the others, you remember that you have
these beliefs and you try to use them. we must
teach kindness and goodness to people and let
the badness to be rotted away.
Salam Alaykoum,
First of all, let me wish you a Happy New Year 1428 and many happy returns.
It is my greatest pleasure to be able to help you with your weblog and to share with my very short experience in blogging.
All those cool features that you see on the left bar of 'mydearstudents' are very easy to add. In fact, the way I learned to do that is by observing other people's educational blogs, and click on any interesting feature, and it would link me to the site that provides those widgets which can be freely embedded (attached) to your blog. For instance, the site that provides the slide show of my students' photos for example is www.slide.com . If you click on any of the slide shows on my blog, it will take you to the site where you can create your own albums and copy the html code and paste to your blog.
The question now is how to paste the code and whether you are allowed to modify it or not so as to change the size for example.
When you sign in to your blog which is what you have to do in order to post your messages and activities and all the links that you already have, you go to the "dashboard". Here you can manage 3 things:
1. Posts 2. Settings 3. Layout
Click on “layout” and you'll be taken to the place where you can edit your page elements, Fonts and colors or even change the template (change how your blog looks)
You are under page elements and that's where you edit and add new things.
For example, once you have you copied the code for you slide show or for the hangman which will look like this:
( You have to read the email to geet the html code for the hangman)
Copy this code and paste it.
Good question.
Click on "add a page element"
A new window opens: "add a new page element"
Go to "HTML/JavaScript" and click on "add to Blog"
A new window opens
Under "title" write "hangman" for example and under “content", paste the html code
This procedure can be repeated each time you obtain an html code from a provider of a widget or a feature that you want to add to your blog.
I think the fifth week of this session will be devoted entirely this aspect of blogging.
I am also looking forward to learning a lot this week.
I hope that this information was a bit helpful and if anything is confusing, please don't hesitate to ask.
hello dear Nikui
I learn a new beautiful thing from this short story.
it is not neccesory that we become full from all spirituals. we can تقسيم کنيم our few spirituals with all of our power.
in this way "our world will becom full of flowers"
Am I right?
hello my dear teacher
ASg:in our idae we must do those work that with do them god be happair of us and one of the way that we can get god happily is do and learn the best work like helping to the poor man .
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